
Ajna-cakra is also called parama-kula and mukta, tri-veni, since it is from here that the three nadis – Ida, Pingala and Susumna – go their separate ways. It is a two petalled lotus, situated between the two eyebrows. In this cakra there is no gross Tattva, but the subtle Tattva mind is here. Hakarardha, or half the letter Ha, is also there. On its petals are the red varnas “ham” and “ksam”
In the pericarp is concealed the bija “om”. In the two petals and the pericarp there are the three gunas – sattva, rajas and tamas. Within the triangular mandala in the pericarp there is the lustrous (tejomaya) linga in the form of the pranava (pranavakrti), which is called Itara.
Para-S’iva in the form of hamsa (hamsa-rupa) is also there with his S’akti-Siddha-Kali. In the three corners of the triangle are Brahma, Visnu, and Mahesvara, respectively. In this cakra there is the white Hakini-Sakti, with six heads and four hands, in which are jnana-mudra, (1) a skull, a drum (damaru), and a rosary.
1. The gesture in which the first finger is uplifted and the others closed.