It is very difficult for us to speak intelligently of the phenomena coming under the head of Clairvoyance without getting into the subject of the Astral Plane, as Clairvoyance is an incident of the Astral Plane and belongs to that subject.
But we cannot go into details regarding the Astral Plane, as we intend to devote an entire lesson to that subject, so we must go on with the subject before us, with the understanding that the student will be given an explanation of the nature and incidents of the Astral Plane in due time. For the purpose of this lesson, however, we must ask the student to accept the statement that man has within him faculties which enable him to “sense” vibrations which are not responded to by his ordinary physical organs of sense.
Each physical sense has its corresponding astral sense, which is open to the vibrations alluded to and which interpret such vibrations and pass them on to the consciousness of man. Thus, the astral sight enables man to receive astral light-vibrations from an enormous distance; to receive these rays through solid objects; to perceive thought-forms in the ether, etc. Astral hearing enables one to receive astral sound-vibrations from enormous distances, and after a long time has elapsed, the fine vibrations still remaining in existence.
The other astral senses correspond to the other physical senses, except that like the astral senses of seeing and hearing they are an extension of the physical senses. We think that the matter was well, if rather crudely, expressed to us several years ago, by an uneducated psychic, who, after endeavoring to explain the resemblance of her astral senses to her physical ones, at last said, awkwardly; “The astral senses are just the same as the physical ones – only more so.” We do not think that we can improve upon the explanation of this uneducated woman. All persons have the astral senses alluded to, but comparatively few have developed them so that they can consciously use them.
Some have occasional flashes of astral sensing, but are not conscious of the source of their impressions, they merely knowing that “something came into their mind,” and often dismissing the impression as an idle fancy. Those awakening into astral sensing are often as clumsy and awkward as is the infant when the physical senses begin to receive and translate impressions. The infant has to gauge distance in receiving impressions through the eye and ear, and also in the matter of touch. The infant in psychism has to pass through a similar experience, hence the confusing and unsatisfactory results at the beginning.