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Posts by category
- Category: 14 Lessons in Yogi Philosophy
- 14 Lessons in Yogi Philosophy – by Yogi Ramacharaka
- The Constitution of Man
- The Physical Body
- The Astral Body
- Prana, or Vital Force
- The Mental Principles
- The Instinctive Mind
- The Intellect
- The Spiritual Principles
- The Spiritual Mind
- Spirit
- Illumination or Spiritual Consciousness
- The Human Aura
- Health Aura
- Pranic Aura
- Aura of the Three Mental Principles
- Aura Auric Colors
- Spirit
- Thought Dynamics
- The Nature, Quality and Power of Thought
- Thought Forms
- Thought Influences
- Telepathy and Clairvoyance
- Clairvoyance
- Simple Clairvoyance
- Space Clairvoyance
- Past Time Clairvoyance
- Future Time Clairvoyance
- How to Develop Psychic Powers
- Human Magnetism
- Pranic Energy
- Uses and Properties of Human Magnetism
- Directions for development and use
- Occult Therapeutics
- Magnetic Healing
- Mental Healing
- Spiritual Healing
- Experimental healing
- Magnetized water
- Suggestions of healing
- Distant healing
- Psychic Influence
- Personal Magnetism
- Thought Influence, present and distant
- Mesmerism explained, with instructions regarding self-protection and warnings against misuse of the Power
- A timely lesson upon an important subject
- The Astral World
- Astral Body
- Astral Helpers
- Beyond the Border
- The survival of the Ego after passing out of the physical body
- Where it goes and what it does after the change called Death
- Spiritual Evolution
- The Growth of the Soul – Its Travels – Its Purpose – Its Goal
- Spiritual Cause and Effect
- The Yogi Teaching Regarding the Puzzling Questions of Human Life
- Conduct
- The Sowing and Reaping Explained
- The Yogi Path of Attainment
- Yogi students may be divided into three general classes
- Mantram and Meditation – Thought
- Mantram and Meditation – Silence
- Mantram and Meditation – Prana
- Mantram and Meditation
- The Mantram for the month is “I AM.”
- Category: Anusara Yoga
- Category: Ashtanga Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga the Yoga of Eight Limbs
- What Makes Ashtanga Yoga Different?
- Practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
- Why Ashtanga Yoga May Be Right For You?
- What Is Ashtanga Yoga? Understanding the Methods
- Ashtanga Yoga – What’s It All About
- Learn Ashtanga Yoga For Strength And Flexibility
- Enjoy The Amazing Ashtanga Yoga Practice
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Category: Bhakti Yoga
- Nirliptatva Samadhi
- Swami Vivekananda – Bhakti Yoga
- The Philosophy of Ishwara
- Spiritual Realisation – the Aim of Bhakti Yoga
- The Need of a Guru
- Qualifications of the Aspirant and the Teacher
- Incarnate Teachers and Incarnation
- The Mantra OM Word and Wisdom
- Worship of Substitutes and Images
- The Chosen Ideal
- The Method and the Means
- The Preparatory Renunciation
- The Bhakta’s Renunciation results from Love
- The Naturalness of Bhakti Yoga and its Central Secret
- The Forms of Love Manifestation
- Universal Love and how it leads to Self-surrender
- The Higher Knowledge and the Higher Love are One to the True Lover
- The Triangle of Love
- The God of Love is His Own Proof
- Human Representations of the Divine Ideal of Love
- Conclusion of Bhakti Yoga
- Category: Bikram Yoga
- Category: Concentration - A Practical Course
- Meditation on Objects
- Meditation on Virtues
- Meditation on the Laws
- Devotional Meditation
- Meditation on Sentences
- Meditation for Writing and Speaking
- Intellectual Meditation
- Meditation with Mantras – The nature of Mantras
- Mantra of Shri Krishna
- Meditation on Shri Krishna
- The Meaning of OM
- Obstacles to meditation – The Three Steps
- Give up Wishing
- The Need of a Teacher
- Meditate within Yourself
- The Top of your Thought
- Inspiration
- Intellectual Contemplation
- An explanation
- Devotional Contemplation
- Contemplation and Worship
- Contemplation of the Self
- Conclusion
- Category: Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
- Concentration and Thought Control
- Concentration
- What is Maya?
- How to Concentrate Objectively
- Active and Passive mentation
- Subjective Concentration – How Practised
- The Adductive Power of Thought
- Thought Control
- Character Building
- Thought Absorption
- Guru Worship
- Personal Magnetism, Will Culture, Self-Control
- The Mystery of the Will Force
- The “I AM” Consciousness
- Will Power is this
- Self Control
- Preliminary Steps
- The Law of Habit
- Worship of the Terrible
- The Yogi Self-Developer
- You can be Fearless
- Devotion to the Absolute Will
- Meditation Exercise – flashes of Soul-Consciousness
- Concentration
- Will-Power
- Love for Humanity, Energy, Aspiration, Self-Esteem
- Fasting and Self-control
- Transmuting Sex-Energy
- Breathing Exercise
- Physical Exercises – Series 1
- Physical Exercises – Series 2
- Seven minor breathing Exercises
- When you are in Training
- Mind Acts upon Body in All Ways
- Reserve Force
- How to Exercise
- Diet
- Conclusion
- Category: Hatha Yoga
- Category: Hatha Yoga Course
- What Is “Hatha Yoga”
- The Yogis’ Regard For The Physical Body
- The Work Of The Divine Architect
- Our Friend, The Vital Force
- The Laboratory Of The Body
- The Life Fluid
- The Crematory Of The System
- Nourishment
- Hunger vs. Appetite
- The Yogi Theory And Practice Of Prana Absorption From Food
- About Food
- The Irrigation Of The Body
- The Ashes Of The System
- Yogi Breathing
- High Breathing – Mid Breathing – Low Breathing
- The Yogi Complete Breathing
- Effects of Correct Breathing
- Breathing Exercises
- Nostril Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing
- The Little Lives Of The Body
- The Control Of The Involuntary System
- Pranic Energy
- Pranic Exercises
- The Science Of Relaxation
- Rules For Relaxation
- The Use Of Physical Exercise
- Some Yogi Physical Exercises
- The Yogi Bath
- Fresh Air
- Nature’s Sweet Restorer— Sleep
- Regeneration
- The Mental Attitude
- Lead by The Spirit
- Category: Introduction to Yoga
- Annie Besant – An Introduction to Yoga
- The Meaning of the Universe
- The Unfolding of Consciousness
- The Quickening of the Process of Self-unfoldment
- Yoga Is a Science
- Man a Duality
- States of Mind
- Samadhi
- The Literature of Yoga
- Some Definitions
- God Without and God Within
- Changes of Consciousness and Vibrations of Matter
- What is mind?
- Stages of Mind
- Inward and Outward Turned Consciousness
- The Cloud
- Schools of Thought
- Relation to Indian Philosophies
- Purusha and Prakriti
- The Self is One
- Purusha is the spectator and never the actor
- Mind
- The Mental Body
- Mind and Self
- Yoga as Science
- Methods of Yoga
- To the Self by the Self
- To the Self Through the Not-self
- Yoga and Morality
- Composition of States of the Mind
- Pleasure and Pain
- Yoga as Practice
- Inhibition of States of Mind
- Meditation With and Without Seed
- The Use of Mantras
- Attention
- Obstacles to Yoga
- Capacities of Yoga
- Forthgoing and Returning
- Purification of Bodies
- Dwellers on the Threshold
- Preparation for Yoga
- What is to be the end of this long Yoga struggle?
- Category: Iyengar Yoga
- Category: Kundalini Yoga
- Category: Meditation
- Category: Power Yoga
- Category: Reincarnation
- Manomaya, vijnana and anandamaya kosas
- Reincarnation – by Swami Abhedananda
- Subtle Body
- Doctrine of Reincarnation of Individual Soul
- Rebirth of Souls
- One Birth
- Memory and Previous Lifes
- Yoga and Past Lives
- Heredity and Reincarnation
- Vedanta and Self-responsibility
- Inequalities and Diversities of Life
- Evolution and Reincarnation
- The moral and spiritual nature of human beings
- Vedanta and causation
- Vedanta and aim of Evolution
- Evolution
- Which is Scientific – Resurrection or Reincarnation?
- Resurrection
- Cause is not Outside of the Effect
- Theory of Transmigration
- Transmigration or Metempsychosis
- Platonic Idea of Transmigration
- Law of Cause and Effect
- Natural Process of Evolution of the Soul
- Category: Science of Breath
- The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath – by Yogi Ramacharaka
- Breath is Life
- The Exoteric Theory of Breath
- The Esoteric Theory of Breath
- The Nervous System
- Nostril vs. Mouth-Breathing
- The four Methods of Respiration
- The Yogi Complete Breath
- Physiological effect of Complete Breath
- A few bits of Yogi Lore
- The Seven Yogi Developing Exercises
- Seven Minor Yogi Exercises
- Vibration and Yogi Rhytmic Breathing
- Phenomena of Yogi Psychic Breathing
- Healing Others
- More Phenomena of Yogic Psychic Breathing
- Transmutation of the Reproductive Energy
- Brain Stimulating
- The Grand Yogi Psychic Breath
- Yogi Spiritual Breathing
- Soul Consciousness
- The Universal Consciousness
- What is the Yogi Philosophy?
- The Threefold Path of Yoga
- The various branches of Yoga
- Those for whom the Teachings are intended
- Category: Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga
- Gnani Yoga – by Yogi Ramacharaka
- Spirit is the essence of Life and Being
- Without material objects Space is unthinkable
- The Absolute is an Immanent Life in and about us all
- Omnipresent Life
- Lowest form of living matter
- Life from non-life is an absurdity
- The Creative Will
- The Yogi Philosophy and Creative Will
- The Will in plant-life
- Mental power is the Principle of the Will
- The Unity of Life
- Individuality
- Consciousness of Life
- Awareness of Unity and Oneness
- The One and the Many
- The Absolute is Pure Spirit and not Life
- Final Question
- Within the Mind of the One
- Day of Brahm – Night of Brahm
- Creation of finite minds
- In the Beginning a Mental Image
- Individualization
- Cosmic Evolution
- Process of Involution
- Lower forms of Life
- The Ascent of Man
- Embryology and Ancient Yogi Teachings
- Difference between the Darwinian school and the Yogi Teachings
- Evoution involution
- Metempsychosis
- Metempsychosis – oldest conception of the race
- Reasonableness of Metempsychosis
- Metempsychosis and infant prodigies
- Spiritual Evolution
- Seven cycles
- Fall of civilizations
- Desire and Attraction
- Previous and next lives
- The Law of Karma
- Karma – past experiences
- Karma – Life is a school
- Two principles at work in the matter of Karma
- Operation of Karma
- Buddhist doctrine of Karma
- Occult Brotherhoods
- Masters
- Heaven
- Nirvana
- Astral Shell
- What is meant by – the Days and Nights of Brahm – ; the – Cycles -; the – Chain of Worlds -, etc., etc.?
- Category: Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga
- A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga – by Yogi Ramacharaka
- Real Self of Man
- A Candidate becomes an Initiate
- Realizing the Immortality and Invincibility of the Ego
- The Ego’s Mental Tools
- Examination of mental processes
- The I as considerer and the thing considered
- Control of Thought Processes
- The Expansion of the Self
- Child of the Absolute
- Instruments of the Ego
- Mental Drill
- Reality underlying the Whole
- Will is the attribute of the Real Self
- Mental Control
- Mind is the instrument of I
- Mental Drill and Exercises
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- The Importance of Concentration
- The Cultivation of Attention
- Two kinds of Attention
- Concentrated Voluntary Attention
- Cultivation of Attention
- Mental Drill in Attention
- Cultivation of Perception
- The Senses
- Sense of Touch
- Sense of Taste
- Sense of Smell
- Sense of Hearing
- Sense of Sight
- General Rules of Perception
- The Unfoldment of Consciousness
- Sensation
- Mental Consciousness
- Mind
- Ego Consciousness
- Cosmic Consciousness
- The Higlands and Lowlands of Mind
- Western point of view
- Thought above Consciousness
- The Mental Planes
- Instinctive plane
- Instinct
- Reason
- Intuition
- Sub-consciousing
- Attention and Interest produce results
- Understanding the Subconscious work
- Subconscious Character Building
- Character-building is simple
- Will Power and Character Building
- Practical Character Building
- Power of Thought
- We must deal with the things and laws of the lower plane
- Sub-conscious Influence
- Mind, mental attitude and attainment
- Yoga Wisdom
- Category: Systems of Yoga
- Category: Tantra Shastra
- Annamaya kosa
- Pranamaya kosa
- Waking state – dreams – dreamless sleep
- Nadi
- Muladhara
- Svadhistana
- Manipura
- Anahata
- Visuddha
- Ajna
- Sahasrara padma
- The Three Temperaments
- Divya bhava
- Temperament of the Sadhaka
- Guru and Sisya
- Initiation: Diksa
- Abhiseka
- Sadhana
- Worship
- Forms of Acara
- Kaula Dharma
- Mantra
- Awakening of Mantra
- The Gayatri Mantra
- Yantra
- Mudra
- Samdhya
- Puja
- Yajna
- Vrata
- Tapas
- Japa
- Samskara
- Purascarana
- Bhuta Suddhi
- Nyasa
- Nyasa Positions
- Pancatattva
- Woman is not to be regarded as an object of enjoyment
- Poison is the antidote for poison
- Substitutes for Pancatattva
- Object of Sadhana
- Cakrapuja
- Yoga
- Sodhana – Satkarma
- Drdhata – Asana
- Sthirata – Mudras
- Dhairya – Pratyahara
- Laghava – Pranayama
- Satcakra Bheda
- Sin and Virtue
- Karma
- Four Aims of Being
- Dharma and Kama
- Artha
- Mokśa
- Siddhi
- Category: Yoga and Fitness
- Category: Yoga and Health
- Category: Yoga basic
- Category: Yoga mat
- Category: Yoga Photo
- Category: Yoga Poses
- Category: Yoga Teachers