The Control Of The Involuntary System

In the preceding chapter of this book we have explained to you that the human body is made of millions of tiny cells, each endowed with sufficient matter to enable it to do its work—with sufficient Prana to give it the energy it requires—with sufficient “mind-stuff” to give it the degree of intelligence with which to direct its work.
Each cell belongs to a cell group or family, and the intelligence of the cell is in close rapport with the intelligence of every other cell in the group or family, the combined intelligence of the cell-group resulting in a group-mind. These groups in turn are each a part of some other larger group of groups, and so on until the whole forms a great republic of cell-mind under the direction and control of the Instinctive Mind. The control of these great groups is one of the duties of the Instinctive Mind, and it usually does its work well, unless interfered with by the Intellect, which sometimes sends it fearthoughts, and in this and other ways demoralizes the Instinctive Mind. Its work is also sometimes retarded by the Intellect insisting that it take up foreign and strange habits of regulating the physical body through the cell intelligence. For instance, in the case of constipation, the Intellect being busy with other work, will not allow the body to respond to the calls of the Instinctive Mind, acting in response to a demand from the cells of the Colon-nor does it pay attention to the demands for water-and the consequence is that the Instinctive Mind is unable to execute the proper orders, and both it and certain of the cell-groups become demoralized and scarcely know what to do—bad habits springing up and replacing the natural habit. Sometimes something akin to a rebellion springs up in some of the cell-groups, resulting no doubt from some interruption in the natural course of their government, the introduction of strange customs causing a confusion. At times it seems that some of the smaller groups (and even some of the larger on certain occasions) go on “a strike,” rebelling against unaccustomed and improper work forced upon them—working overtime—and similar causes, such as a lack of proper nourishment. These little cells often act just as would men under the same circumstances—the analogy is often startling to the observer and investigator.
These rebellions, or strikes, seem to spread if matters are not arranged, and even when matters are patched up the cells seem to return to their work in a sullen manner, and instead of doing the best they know bow they will do as little as possible, and just when they feel like it. A restoration of normal conditions, resulting from increased nutrition, proper attention, etc., will gradually bring about a return to normal conditions, but matters may be expedited by giving the cell-groups direct orders from the Will. It is astonishing how soon order and discipline may be restored in this manner. The higher Yogis have a wonderful control over the involuntary system and can act directly upon nearly every cell in their body. And even some of the so-called Yogis of the cities of India-those little more than mountebanks, who exhibit their performances for so many coppers from each wandering traveler-are able to give interesting exhibitions of this control, some of the exhibitions, however, being disgusting to persons of fine sensibilities and painful to the real Yogis, who mourn to see a noble science prostituted in this way.
The trained will is able to act directly upon these cells and groups by a simple process of direct concentration, but this plan requires much training on the part of the student. There are other plans whereby the will is called into operation by the student repeating certain words in order to focus his Will. The auto-suggestions and affirmations of the Western world act in this way. The words focus the attention and Will upon the center of the trouble and gradually order is restored among the striking cells, a supply of Prana also being projected to the seat of the trouble, thus giving the cells additional energy. At the same time the circulation to the affected region is increased, thereby giving the cells more nourishment and building material.
One of the simplest plans of reaching the seat of trouble and giving a vigorous order to the cells is the one taught by the Hatha Yogis to their students, to be used by them until they are able to use the concentrated Will without any aids. The plan is simply to “talk up” to the rebellious organ or part, giving it orders just as one would a group of school boys or a squad of recruits in the army. Give the order positively and firmly, telling the organ just what you wish it to perform, repeating the command sharply several times. A tapping or mild slapping of the part, or the part of the body over the affected part, will act to attract the attention of the cell-group just as does the tapping of a man on the shoulder cause him to stop, turn around and listen to what you have to say. Now, please do not suppose that we are trying to tell you that the cells have ears and understand the words of the particular language you may be using. What really happens is that the sharply spoken words help you to form the mental image expressed by the words, and this meaning goes right to the spot, over the channels of the sympathetic nervous system operated by the Instinctive Mind, and is readily understood by the cell-groups and even by the individual cells. As we have already said, an additional supply of Prana and the increased supply of blood also go to the affected region, being directed there by the concentrated attention of the person sending the command. The commands of a healer may be given in the same way, the Instinctive Mind of the patient taking up the command and forwarding it to the scene of the cell rebellion. This may seem almost childish to many of our students, but there are good scientific reasons behind it, and the Yogis consider it the simplest plan whereby mental commands may reach the cells. So do not discard it as worthless until you have tried it awhile. It has stood the test of centuries, and nothing better has been found to do the work.
If you wish to try this plan upon some portion of your body, or the body of some one else which is not functioning properly, gently slap the part with the flat palm of the hand, saying to it sharply (for instance) “Here, Liver you must do your work better—you are too sluggish to suit me-I expect you to do better from now on—get to work-get to work, I say, and stop this foolishness.” These exact words are not necessary; use any words which may come to you, so long as they convey a sharp positive command that the organ shall do its work. The heart’s action may be improved in the same way, but one must proceed in a far more gentle manner, as the cell-group of the heart is possessed of a much higher degree of intelligence than that of the liver, for instance, and must be approached in a more respectful manner. Gently remind the heart that you expect it to do its work in a better manner, but speak to it politely and do not attempt to “bulldoze” it as you would the liver. The heart cell-group is the most intelligent of the groups controlling any of the organs-the liver group is the most stupid and less intelligent, being of a decidedly mulish disposition, whereas the heart is like a thorough-bred horse, intelligent and alert. If your liver is rebellious you must go for it vigorously, remembering its mulish propensities. The stomach is fairly intelligent, although not as much so as the heart. The Colon is quite obedient, although patient and long suffering. One may give the Colon commands to evacuate its contents at a certain time every morning (naming the hour), and if you will trust it sufficiently to go to the stool at that particular hour—keep your engagement, in fact—you will find that the Colon will in a short time do as you wish it to. But remember that the poor Colon has been greatly abused and it may take a little time to regain its confidence. Irregular menstruation may be regulated, and normal habits acquired, in a few months by marking the proper date on the calendar and then each day giving oneself a gentle treatment along the lines above mentioned, telling the cell-groups controlling the function that it is now so many days before the expected time and that you wish them to get ready and do their work, so that when the time arrives everything will be normal. As you near the time, call the group’s attention that the time is growing shorter and that it must attend to its business. Do not give the commands in a trifling manner but as if you really meant them—and you must mean them-and they will be obeyed. We have seen many cases of irregular menstruation relieved in this way in from one to three months. This may sound ridiculous to you, but all we can say is to try it for yourself. We have not space to point out the method to be employed for each complaint, but you will readily see just what organ or group controls the seat of the trouble from what we have said in other chapters, and then give it its orders. If you do not know what organ is causing the trouble, you at least know the region of the disturbance and may direct your commands to that part of the body. It is not necessary for you to know the name of the organ-just direct your commands to the spot and say to it: “Here You, [sic] etc.” This book is not intended as a treatise upon the cure of disease, its object being to point out the road to health by preventing disease, but these little hints at restoring normal functioning to organs which have been misbehaving may help you somewhat.
You will be surprised at the measure of control which you may gain over your body by following the above method and variations of the same. You will be able to relieve your headaches by directing the blood to flow downward; you will be able to warm your cold feet by ordering the blood to flow to them in increased quantities, the Prana, of course, going along also; you may equalize the circulation, thus stimulating the entire body; you may relieve tired portions of the body. In fact, there is no end of the things you may do along this line if you have but the patience to try. If you do not know just what commands to give you may say to the part, “Here you, get better—I want this pain to leave—I want you to do better,” or something similar. But all this requires practice and patience, of course. There is no royal road to its accomplishment.