Ashtanga Yoga the Yoga of Eight Limbs
Ashtanga Yoga, also sometimes spelled “Astanga†Yoga because of the Sanskrit spelling of the word, is an exact and efficient approach to yoga that draws attention to physical power and body stamina with performing a fluid series of arranged yoga postures.
Ashtanga Yoga manages various bodily locks and seals and applies a particular type of yogic breathing. The end effect of Ashtanga Yoga practices results in the generation of bodily heat and energy.
In Sanskrit Ashtanga or astanga literally means ‘eight limbs’ the eightlimbed path of yoga sketched out by Patanjali in his notorious Yoga Sutras. In Ashtanga Yoga, as in most modern types of Yoga, the bodily postures and rhythmic breathing taken from Hatha Yoga, get the predominance out of the eight limbs.
Ashtanga Yoga claims its millenarian roots but modern-day rediscovery occurred about 80 years ago with a yoga masters Sri Tirumlai Krishnamacharya and Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois. Krishnamacharya was founder of the Yoga School of Mysore which had many later known yoga teachers in its classes.
Jois has made the original sequence of posture into a flowing practice of asanas. It was Jois that named the system Ashtanga Yoga because to him it represented the most comprehensive representation of the eight limbed path of raja yoga.
The flow of Ashtanga Yoga makes this yoga different from the other major styles of established hatha yoga schools. The flowing movement, the uninterrupted flow or arrangement known as vinyasa flows without interruption into the succeeding posture in a practice that is seamless and completely connected by the breath. Previously other styles of yoga made the practitioners perform one asana, stop to rest, and then begin another posture.
The popularity of Ashtanga Yoga is due to its energetic bodily activity. Ashtanga Yoga can help to straighten, detoxify, and quiet the body and its modern life hyperactivity. While Ashtanga Yoga accentuates physical power and strength, a man need not necessarily be well-built and in shape to practice this style of yoga. The practice of Ashtanga Yoga will help you to be fit and physically powerful. Ashtanga Yoga is an energetic approach to the practice of yoga, and for this reason it may not be appropriate for everybody, particularly those with physical illnesses or anxiety.
The postures of the Ashtanga Yoga series can be modified to have room for specific needs, and can be the right choice for practitioners who are trying to make stronger the body weakened by illness or injury.
Pattabhi Jois was 12 years old when he attended a yoga demonstration at his middle school in Hassan. The next day he went to meet the great yogi who had given the demonstration, a man by the name of Sri T. Krishnamacharya, who had learned yoga for nearly eight years from his Guru, Rama Mohan Brahmachari in a cave in Tibet. For the next two years, Jois learned from his Guru every day. When Jois turned 14, he had his brahmin thread ceremony. Krishnamacharya left Hassan to travel and teach, and left his village to go to Mysore.